DTCS Financial Ltd

Dan asked us if we could help him with a website. His current online presence is mostly through social media, namely his facebook business page.

We were delighted to help. At our first meeting we explored Dan’s business needs along with what input he would be able to do in the development of the site. It was agreed that we would build the site in WordPress. All the functionality Dan needs is available in WordPress and he will be able to login himself and make updates without having to constantly ask us to make changes. Obviously security is key, so there is a specific route Dan will need to take to access the editing part of the website. After choosing a theme we headed off to build the basis of DTCS Financial Ltd while Dan continued with his work.

At the meeting Dan started to talk about an opportunity he had to advertise in an industry magazine. He showed me his advert, which was cool, however with a bit of design and flare we could give it a bit more vavavoom! Overnight, we put this together for him as the print deadline was tight.


A few weeks went by, the website was taking shape. Not being financial advisors our content was very top line. It was over to Dan to really put the meat on the bones. We spent an hour with Dan teaching him the ins and outs of WordPress, how his theme works and how to update his content. Dan picked it up immediately. He spent some time working on it and is now LIVE!

This is only the beginning of our relationship with DTCS Financial Ltd. We will continue to work on any design for print, photography (yes some of the images do need changing) and supporting Dan keeping the website fresh.

DTCS Financial Ltd have pulled the pin at FunGrenade Ltd, designed and hosted in Wales.

“We’ve got an interweb! Huge thanks to FunGrenade Ltd for their help. So pleased I get to be able to play with the words in my own time, thanks to the awesome training support.” Dan Saxton – DTCS Financial Ltd